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45, Bishop Labini Street, B'Kara 2598 5565 home_economics@ilearn.edu.mt

food literacy consumer literacy Environmental Literacy

Food Literacy

Health Literacy

Consumer Literacy

Environmental Literacy

Financial Literacy

Supporting Educators

Enpowering Students

Strengthening Families

Collaborating and Supporting


Our Team

The Home Economics support team provides and delivers engaging programmes at our centre and in schools while supporting educators and stakeholders. Our aim is to promote holistic development, enhance quality of life, and foster health and well-being through various initiatives and services, with a strong focus on sustainability and the development of food, health, financial, environmental and consumer literacies.


Our Services

Improve Quality of Life

To improve the quality of everyday life for students, their families and the community


Through the efficient, effective and sustainable management of their resources.

Supportive Environments

To create and maintain supportive environments which promote healthy eating and living.


Through the various programmes we design and deliver at our centre and in schools.

Healthy Life Choices

To address the determinants of health in order to enable students, families and other community members to make informed healthy life choices.


Our team of professional teachers researches current market trends and provides guidance.

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