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45, Bishop Labini Street, B'Kara 2598 5565 home_economics@ilearn.edu.mt

Training in Food Handling

April 1, 2016 Daphne Borg Comments Off

A two-day training course in food handling was organised for Home Economics teachers. The course which is aimed primarily at Food Handlers covered various areas which delineate safe and hygienic ways when handling food. Course participants actively involved themselves throughout all sessions. Upon completion of the Food Handling Course License B, each participant was registered as a food handler with the Food Safety Commission of Malta and issued with a Food Handler License.


Training in Food Handling for Year 11 students


A similar course was offered to Year 11 students following the Core Curriculum Programme (CCP). Students from four secondary schools accepted the invitation to attend one of the two courses which have been organised. Similarly, students were awarded the Licence B Certificate in Food Handling.