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45, Bishop Labini Street, B'Kara 2598 5565 home_economics@ilearn.edu.mt

Training in Curriculum Implementation (Year 7 & Year 8) for Home Economics Teachers in Church Schools

May 20, 2016 Daphne Borg Comments Off

On the 12th May, training for Home Economics teachers teaching in Year 7 & 8 in Church Schools was organised by Ms Dimech Magrin (EO Home Economics) at the Archbishop’s Curia. The training was facilitated by Ms E Borg and Ms M Bonaci, HoDs for Home Economics. The main themes discussed included curriculum development, task setting and assessment. Throughout the day different ways of how to implement formative assessment were explored and discussed. One way how this can be done is through task setting in relation to the topics being tackled in class. The HODs shared with teachers examples of students’ work, to show participants what type of tasks could be devised and carried out as part of the coursework component. The importance of providing written and verbal feedback to students for the work presented was also addressed.