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45, Bishop Labini Street, B'Kara 2598 5565 home_economics@ilearn.edu.mt

Financial Literacy Challenge in Primary and Middle Schools 2023 : Group Entry 

February 25, 2023 Daphne Borg Comments Off

This challenge aims to promote awareness related to financial capabilities.

Who can participate
Year 4 to Year 8 students in State and Non-State schools. The challenge is also open to other sections such as Learning Support Centres that cater for these specific year groups.

How to register
Registration to participate on a group basis can be carried out by filling the form below by Wednesday 22nd February 2023.

The participants are invited to plan and prepare a healthy low-cost food item with emphasis on the following areas: seasonality, sustainability and local food.

The participants may opt to present their experience in Maltese or English through a PowerPoint Presentation (a maximum of 8-10 slides) or Word document (approximately 4-5 pages) featuring the steps involved in the making of the food item.

The presentation/document needs to include:
• photos (minimum 4) showing all the participants preparing the food item.
• the total cost of the ingredients needed to prepare the dish as per amount used in the recipe.
• a short paragraph/point form (between 100-150 words) explaining how costs were kept to a minimum.
• a copy of the recipe.

All the material is to be sent via WETRANSFER to home_economics@ilearn.edu.mt
An acknowledgement will be sent.

Submission of material deadline: Monday 6th March 2023 by 9am

The evaluation of the contributions will be carried out by a group of professionals from the education and banking field. Professionals will judge the entries according to these main criteria: identified area and theme relevance, delivery, outcome and innovation/originality. The decision of the judging panel shall be final and without any right to appeal. The judging panel may decide not to award a prize if, in its judgement, entries do not meet the required criteria or standard.

Group entries*:
1st Prize – €450; 2nd Prize – €250.
Prizes are sponsored by the Malta Bankers’ Association.

*The allotted money is to be used to fund schools’ initiatives/resources related to financial literacy education. Winning participants will be asked to provide a brief description of how the funds have been utilised to share good practices.

For more information on the Global Money Week and European Money Week 2022 please visit: